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Three Source Bearing Warm Reminder: The Xiaoshu solar term is quietly approaching, everyone should pay attention to heatstroke prevention

Source: 17:00:00

        Three Source Bearings Warm Reminder: The Xiaoshu solar term has quietly arrived, marking the official beginning of the summer season. The sunshine is becoming increasingly intense, and waves of heat are spreading in the air. At this season, heatstroke prevention and cooling have become an important part of our daily lives that cannot be ignored

        Firstly, maintaining sufficient water intake is the key to preventing heatstroke. In hot weather, the human body is prone to sweating, leading to a large loss of water in the body. Therefore, we should drink water regularly and try to choose beverages such as plain water, diluted salt water, or green tea to avoid excessive intake of sugary drinks and avoid increasing the burden on the body. At the same time, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, which are not only rich in water, but also provide abundant vitamins and minerals, helping to enhance the body's immunity and resist heat invasion

        Secondly, it is crucial to arrange outdoor activity time reasonably. Try to avoid vigorous exercise or prolonged exposure to the scorching sun at noon to prevent heatstroke or sunburn. If you must go out, be sure to take sun protection measures, such as wearing a sun hat, sunglasses, applying high magnification sunscreen, and wearing lightweight, breathable clothing to reduce direct sunlight and heat absorption

In addition, maintaining a good living environment is also an important part of heatstroke prevention. Indoor ventilation should be maintained well. When using air conditioning or fans, pay attention to adjusting the temperature to a suitable level to avoid discomfort caused by overcooling or overheating. At the same time, curtains, blinds, and other obstructions can be used to reduce direct sunlight indoors and lower the indoor temperature

        Finally, pay attention to your personal physical condition. Once you experience symptoms of heatstroke such as dizziness, nausea, or weakness in your limbs, you should immediately stop moving, move to a cool and ventilated place to rest, and replenish fluids appropriately. If the symptoms are severe, seek medical attention promptly to avoid delaying the condition

        In short, during the Xiaoshu season, we should always pay attention to weather changes, do a good job in heatstroke prevention and cooling, protect our physical health, and enjoy a cool and comfortable summer

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